Tribal Health NextGen Consortium


Tribal Health NextGen Consortium (THNC) assists tribal health clinics and health centers make effective use of Healthcare Technology.


THNC is an organization open and available to any Tribal Health Organization as a resource that provides guidance and leadership on information, technology, training and issues concerning the operation of the NextGen Healthcare system and technology. This body shall be open to all Tribes and Tribally Operated Health Programs (THP) who has chosen to implement the NextGen Healthcare EPM and or EMR systems, or who wishes to collaborate with this consortium to broadly guide the implementation of their own chosen EHR.

Goals and Objectives

THNC will support Tribal Health clinics and health centers in the NextGen Healthcare system and technology nationwide creating a National NextGen American Indian/Alaska native (AI/AN) Health Clinic EHR User Group through the following:

  • Assist other THNC members to assess, maintain, and enhance/optimize information systems and technology solutions unique to Indian Health Clinic settings.
  • Assess, prioritize and support the implementation of nationwide initiatives that advance the use of the following: information technology, data collection and reporting infrastructure, telemedicine, and health information exchange at Tribal Health clinics and health centers.
  • Assist THNC membership to collaboratively negotiate with NextGen Healthcare information system and other technology suppliers.
  • Identify, support and implement projects that increase the ability of Tribal Health clinics, health centers and consortia to collect and report quality data.
  • Share processes for collecting accurate data and disseminating information to meet organizational reporting needs.
  • Encourage and develop participation in THNC to be representative of a majority of THNC Tribal Health Clinics and community centers for project planning and as a forum for addressing information systems (including NextGen Healthcare) and technology related issues, problems, and solutions.
  • Provide outreach resource information to THNC membership that has limited information system and technology staff through networking with new/established users.
  • Build relationships and collaborate with other Tribal Health organizations advocating in support of access to health information technology including Practice Management and Electronic Medical/Health Records (EHR/EMR).
  • Support Tribal Health clinics and health centers and consortia in advocacy with vendors to increase the standardization of IT products and technical assistance or Tribal Health clinics and health centers.
  • Advocate with IHS at the national level for inclusion of the Tribal Health clinics and health centers in Health Information Technology development.


Kyte Castillo
EHR Integrated Care Coordinator
(916) 929-9761 ext. 1321